To support our dealers, we organize the experience ‘A taste of ...' weekly in our inspiration centers in the Netherlands and Belgium.
In these no-obligation sessions, we will take you (per brand) through a culinary demonstration, in an interactive way through the latest developments and solutions in the kitchen of the future. By this we mean solutions that really make a difference in running a profitable kitchen. You are most welcome to attend a session!
Depending on your choice, a number of the following topics will be covered during the inspiration session:
À la carte
Experience the many possibilities and unprecedented speed with the new Vector Multi-Cook Ovens and Warming Drawers.
Easily create your own unique dishes with the Cook & Hold Ovens and Smoker Ovens
Efficiently preparing and passing on parties
Cooking and keeping warm on location, even on 220V
Take away / Delivery
Grab-and-go systems for hot food delivery in food trucks or shop.
High Speed Preparation
High Speed Preparation in places where space is limited and speed and quality are essential.
Cool already prepared dishes in the same appliance and bring them to the desired temperature at any time with multifunctional regeneration cabinets.